Spring | Summer 2023 FOOD
We are what we eat...and what we read. The Spring/Summer FOOD issue of Oklahoma Humanities magazine combines both and explores the concept of food and things that feed us. Mesoamerican mythology and the role of maize and cacao. The power of food to unite and comfort during the Dust Bowl. Gardens of bounty and beauty in Japanese-American internment camps. Culinary arts and cookbooks from the Medieval Ages. The tradition and relevance of a Vietnamese family dinner. Ukrainian farmers as heroes in pop culture and conflict. All this and more is on the menu.
Authors and contributors: Julianne Tran, Dr. Sarah Peters Kernan, Dr. Bruce Dean Willis, Claire Stewart, Loretta Barrett Oden, Dorothy Alexander, Carol Hamilton, Ken Hada, Nathan Brown, Paul Bowers, Maryann Hurtt, Pamela Chew, Roxana Cazan, Sandra Soli, Jennifer Kidney, Dr. Mary Larson, Anna Tamura, and Dr. Zenia Kish.